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Our  club frequently do clubrides. Among our own brothers but also with other clubs. There are some rules when riding in pack, first the position where you ride, you can look it up in the picture below.

By looking at the picture to the left you now know where you come in the pack. On clubrides the road captain is responsible for the ride, for setting up the ride and to choose what type of ride we do (for the diffirent types of ridingstyles look below).


We not always ride straight, sometimes we have to make a turn, for that we have a system. The one leading the pack will honk 1 time for taking a left turn and 2 times for taking a right turn, the same for switching lanes.

On the right side you see the diffirent formations. The road captain or the packleader will always tell what type formation we're riding in before the rides starts, so listen good to the roadcaptain or packleader.


Enjoy the ride!

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